1881 – 1890
March 4th 1881
A new Bye-law for removing ‘obnoxious’ Brethren from membership was suggested but later abandoned on Provincial Grand Lodge’s advice.
May 5th 1882
PM Mears reported to the Brethren the details of the Baxterley Colliery disaster. The WM Bro Frank Pogmore, was seriously injured whilst assisting his father in the rescue attempt made by Sir William Dugdale and others. The WM died of his injuries a few days later and at an Emergency Meeting held on May 10th 1882, it was agreed to send a letter of condolence to Mrs Pogmore on the death of her husband. £5 was voted by the Brethren to the Baxterley Colliery Relief Fund.
December 1st 1882
It was resolved that henceforth Meetings would be on the first Wednesday and not the first Friday in each month.
March 7th 1883
The Almoner’s Fund was started with a transfer of ten shillings from the funds of the Charity Steward. The first Almoner was W Bro Charles Vero.
December 5th 1883
Attendance of Members during 1883 averaged 10 per Meeting.
October 1st 1884
A letter of condolence was sent to the Provincial Grand Master, Lord Leigh, on the occasion of his son’s death.
January 7th 1885
£2.2.0 was given to Thomas Hawkins’ testimonial fund.
December 1st 1886
The WM, Bro Hatton, having not attended very often during his year of office owing to ill health, was re-elected for a further year at the November Meeting. However, his health prevented him from going through with this plan and he was unable to attend the Installation Meeting in December. At this Meeting Bro PM Vero was elected WM to be Installed in January. This is the reason for the month of Installation being altered.
April 6th 1887
Ten guineas was voted to be sent to the Provincial Grand Lodge Jubilee Fund.
January 2nd 1889
Two guineas was voted to be paid annually to the Warwickshire Masonic Benevolent and Pupils Aid Fund.
January 1st 1890
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W Bro Collins was present at the Installation Meeting.
Left: Memento of the Masonic Ball held 17 February 1890. Note the inscription: “My 1st Ball”.
March 5th 1890
Initiation Ceremony of Bro Bourne which was the first Initiation since Bro G Stafford in 1886.
October 1st 1890
The Secretary was told to write to the Provincial Grand Secretary in connection with Bro Pye who was removed to Leicester Lunatic Asylum on April 7th last.